The Sociology Behind The Walking Dead

“We bury the ones we love and burn the rest,” says Andrea, a survivor, after she impales a zombie’s skull with a scythe and then nonchalantly picks up a severed arm and tosses it to the side. The Walking Dead is a post-apocalyptic television series where a group...

The Fear of Being Found Out

We keep quiet. In meetings. Around the dinner table.  At the bar. We keep quiet. We talk, of course we talk, but we hold back. We don’t venture to offer those visceral responses or truest of true feelings we hold dear. Instead we filter them out and suppress...

I Worked For a Start Up. And It Failed.

When I first left the agency world, I wanted to do something different, something better, more fulfilling, and more meaningful. After a brief stint as a substitute teacher (don’t ask), I joined a promising young startup company with a vision of making the...

Decisions. Decisions. How To Move Forward.

We have an endless world of data and research resources at our finger tips. And sometimes we’re paralyzed by it. Unable to move forward until all available information has been thoroughly considered. We delay decisions, telling ourselves we need to more...